Michael Atkinson
County Durham, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear
Compassionate Mindful Resilience Programme (CMR), MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)Teacher Status
TeacherTeaching Methods
Online, In Person, HybridAbout Me
I have almost 25 years of experience as a mindfulness practitioner, and over 8 years as a mindfulness teacher. For the first 15 years of my mindfulness journey, I practiced within a Buddhist context (Triratna Sangha, formerly FWBO), during which I attended many retreats including solitaries, and went part way through ordination. I have taught mindfulness in a range of public and private contexts, including companies such as Tarmac and NHS Business Services Authority. I have also ran workshops with Dr Zoe Williams (ITV's Good Morning Britain's GP), but the bulk of my experience has been teaching mindfulness within the Higher Education sector. I am currently Co-Chair of the Mindfulness in Medical Education (MiME) Special Interest Group for The Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME). I lead on helping to raise the profile of, and advancing the scholarship of, mindfulness in medical education through conferences and other events and publications. My teaching career started in 2005 as an A-level philosophy and A-level critical thinking Lecturer, after which in 2007, I became a Teacher Educator in Higher Education. For the last 12 years or so I have been a Teacher Educator in the Medical Education context. I am currently a full-time Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at the University of Sunderland where I help run a Masters in Medical Education programme, and as part of this, deliver some workshop on mindfulness and self-care and mindfulness and leadership. I also lecture on mindfulness to year 1 medical students. Prior to this role, I was a Lecturer in Medical Education, Associate Lecturer in Psychology (Mindfulness and Transpersonal Psychology), and Mindfulness Teacher at Newcastle University. In terms of research and scholarship, I have presented at many conferences and events on themes such as mindfulness and resilience; mindfulness and clinical decision-making; mindfulness and self-care/compassion, and have most recently been involved in a project with MindfulnessUK on the impact of 4-week compassion courses on the resilience of health and social care workers which has aided their ability to gain accreditation with EAMBA. I also review mindfulness and wellbeing-related articles for a number of academic journals including 'Mindfulness'. I have completed the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Compassionate Mindful Resilience (CMR) teacher training pathway with MindfulnessUK. Prior to this I did teacher training with Suryacitta at Mindfulness Unleashed in Leicester. I have a first degree in Philosophy; PGCE in Post Compulsory Education and Training and Masters in Education. I trained as a facilitator of philosophical enquiry with Oxford `Brookes University. I am currently writing my PhD proposal which will have a pedagogical focus on mindfulness teaching. I am a Senior Fellow with Advance-HE.
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