Linda Crawford

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Linda Crawford


Greater Manchester

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods


Phone number


About Me

I completed my first 8-week mindfulness course as a participant (MBSR) in 2015 whilst working within the NHS as a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner. I went on to qualify as a Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) teacher in 2018 after studying at Lancashire CIC and have since co-taught several 8-week courses within the NHS (both on-line and face-to-face). I was fortunate enough for my role to be re-banded in 2019 and I became ‘Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner with Special Interest in Mindfulness’. I deliver monthly mindfulness follow-up sessions for graduates of the 8 week MBCT course with my mindfulness colleagues as well as monthly mindfulness drop-in sessions for anyone interested in finding out more about mindfulness and as an opportunity for people to practice. I have delivered mindfulness sessions to a cohorts people attending a fibromyalgia group in Stockport over a period of two years and have delivered various mindfulness taster sessions to community groups, for example clients attending Life Leisure Gyms in Stockport. I have previously attended many practice sessions for Therapists and Healthcare Professionals delivered at a venue in Manchester and have delivered CPD sessions on mindfulness to my colleagues. I have attended mindfulness retreats in person and on-line and I commit to a daily, personal formal mindfulness practice including movement/yoga and sitting. I am very keen to develop both my personal and professional practice.

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