Kay Buckby

This user account status is Approved

Kay Buckby


Cambridgeshire, Greater London, Leicestershire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Rutland, Suffolk

Mindfulness for Life (Youth Mindfulness)
Teacher Status
Trainee, Teacher, Supervisor, Trainer
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid

About Me

My highest aspiration is to enable is to enable organisations to create a culture of working mindfully. I am a Mindfulness for Life teacher, I offer 8 weeks courses, retreats and seminars both virtually and face to face. I work with corporate clients who wish to foster a culture of wellbeing at work. Contact me to discuss my Compassionate Leadership Programme, Mindful Coaching and Mentoring and 60 minute Mindful Mentor groups for staff who wish to go deeper in their practice of Mindfulness. I am a qualified supervisor.

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