Chris Barker
MBCT-L (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Life, also known as Mindfulness For Life), MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy)Teacher Status
Teacher, Supervisor, TrainerTeaching Methods
Online, In PersonAbout Me
I primarily teach Trish Bartley’s 8-Week MBCT-Cancer course to clinical populations having completed two years of Post-Graduate study in Mindfulness at the University of Exeter. Following training with Trish and also the Mindfulness Network, I now provide supervision for teachers of this programme, as well as MBCT-Life. This is the course I use when working with general populations for the Sussex Mindfulness Centre and the National Centre for Integrative Medicine. I am a trainer for the Mindfulness in Schools Project, providing the 8-Week .Begin adult course and the subsequent .b training which allows adults in schools to share mindfulness with students. I also co-lead the retreat element of training for NHS staff attending the MBCT training for IAPT services. This is on behalf of the Sussex Mindfulness Centre, for whom I also provide Mindful Movement Masterclass day trainings.
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