Promoting Good Practice in Mindfulness


Welcome to BAMBA: The British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches

BAMBA is a Charity and is the UK’s primary professional body of mindfulness practitioners, teachers and teacher training organisations. Our mission is to promote safe, ethical and inclusive practices in the field of evidence-based secular mindfulness teaching in the UK.

BAMBA’s Charitable Objectives

BAMBA’s objectives are for the public benefit, to advance good general health and wellbeing among the general public and to relieve ill-health among those suffering depression or anxiety-based disorders, in particular, but not exclusively, by:

  1. Upholding the highest standards of practice in the field of mindfulness in both practice and in teaching, training, and supervision, ensuring that the public has access to safe, effective, and evidence-based mindfulness-based approaches;
  2. Educating the public about the benefits and standards of practice of mindfulness.
  3. Collaborating with other organisations, institutions, and stakeholders involved in mindfulness to share knowledge, promote best practices, and enhance the overall quality of mindfulness services available to the public.
  4. Providing accreditation and certification for mindfulness practitioners, trainers and supervisors who meet the organisation’s established standards, and to conduct annual assessments of those listed with the organisation to ensure they continue to uphold these recognised standards.


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BAMBA’s activities are only made possible through membership and voluntary support.

Should you wish to donate, your donation will be used to continue the maintenance of standards and inclusive access to mindfulness-based training in the UK.

We are grateful for your contribution to this vital work.


Belonging to BAMBA gives me an increased level of confidence, knowing that I am fully qualified, insured and bound by the GPGs

– Kate Gillingham, Mindfulness Teacher

It was a real achievement to become BAMBA registered. The process was easy and quick and I’m so pleased to be part of this growing organisation

– Kate Greenslade, Mindfulness Teacher

I was so pleased to finally be able to register with BAMBA after completing my MBSR pathway. It felt like a great achievement.

– Tawny Cortes, Mindfulness Teacher

Joining BAMBA was a significant final milestone on my journey to become an MBSR teacher and was a proud moment for me… I am using this achievement to highlight to potential clients, my commitment to not only the rigorous training pathway, but also the ongoing CPD and supervision.

– Charlotte Green, Mindfulness Teacher
