Annie Akasati Mcauley

This user account status is Approved

Annie Akasati Mcauley


East Sussex

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person

About Me

I have practiced mindfulness meditation since the mid 1980's and taught meditation since 1999, initially in a Buddhist context. I also have more than 3 decades of teaching experience, both with adults and teenagers. In 2016 I co-founded the teaching partnership (with my colleague Dr Carolyn Drake). In 2017 I trained with the Sussex Mindfulness Centre to teach Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy & Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction. I have been a self-employed mindfulness teacher since the end of 2016 and since then have taught in a wide range of organisations and settings. I currently run taster sessions for the Sussex Mindfulness Centre and a drop-in class in Brighton hosted by the NHS as part of their 'social prescribing' initiative. I am trained to teach Mindfulness-based Compassionate Living courses, and supervise other mindfulness teachers. In 2021 I co-founded (with Carolyn Drake) the 'Mindfulness-based Wise Awareness' and 'Mindfulness to support Long Covid Recovery' courses. Both of these courses are currently the subject of a research study by Chichester University. All my teaching is informed by a committed personal practice of mindfulness, compassion and meditation.

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