Ali Lambie

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Ali Lambie


Hampshire, Powys

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teacher, Supervisor, Trainer
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid
13 years experience
2 certificates
11 years certified

About Me

Ali Lambie is a Mindfulness and Self-Compassion teacher and teacher trainer. With background as a psychotherapist in the NHS for many years, she went on to train at Bangor University for an MSc in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Approaches. During this time she also came across the field of Mindful Self-Compassion and took additional trainings to incorporate this into her approach. Ali has been an international Teacher Trainer of Mindful Self-Compassion since 2018. She is also a trained and experienced Supervisor and Mentor working with individuals and groups both online and face to face. She works independently (as Mindfulness Hampshire) and is also regularly commissioned to offer trainings by a number of organisations. Ali is passionate about her work and enjoys supporting people to make sense of and respond with greater awareness and skill to both life’s joys and its challenges!

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