The regularity, length and type of supervision that mindfulness teachers registered with BAMBA require should be negotiated with a more experienced supervisor with reference to the extent of teaching work being undertaken, the level of experience of the teacher, and the requirements of the client.
Inexperienced teachers:
The minimum supervision for an inexperienced teacher is three hours over the period of an eight-week course. New teachers may feel that they require more than three hours of supervision per eight-week course taught. All teachers are advised to discuss their supervision needs with their supervisor.
Upon completion of their initial training and a minimum of teaching two closely supervised courses with their listed MBP, teachers who teach, train or supervise regularly are expected to have mindfulness-based supervision at least monthly during periods they are doing mindfulness-based work.
Inactive teachers:
To enable your supervisor to stay in touch with your development and support you to remain on the register, you should have at least one meeting with your supervisor each year even if not teaching. This is to provide an opportunity to discuss, for example, compliance with the Good Practice Guidelines, the type of CPD that would contribute to your current learning needs, choice of retreat.
Group Supervision:
Supervision can be in either one-to-one or group format. If your supervision is in group format, sufficient time should be allocated in each session to focus on the discussion of an individuals’ mindfulness work and where necessary, supervision sessions should be increased in length or frequency to allow for this.
Peer Supervision:
Peer supervision with other teachers and practitioners compliments regular supervision and does not replace it.
Please refer to Evans, A. et al (2014): A Framework for Supervision for Mindfulness-Based Teachers: a Space for Embodied Mutual Inquiry, Mindfulness, DOI. 10.1007/s12671-014-0292-4 for a mindfulness supervision framework.
Do you have any questions about the Register?
Visit our FAQ page or contact us.
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Should you wish to donate, your donation will be used to continue the maintenance of standards and inclusive access to mindfulness-based training in the UK.
We are grateful for your contribution to this vital work.