Shubhada Suri

This user account status is Approved

Shubhada Suri

MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods

About Me

I am registered to teach MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) course. I trained at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, University of Bangor, Wales between 2019-2022. I started teaching patients, NHS staff, trainees and doctors since July 2020 and continue to do so for everyone including the general public now. I have delivered face to face sessions however online delivery is my preferred option. These sessions have evaluated very well and have reinforced my commitment to continue supporting patients and professionals through mindfulness teaching. I have personally benefited tremendously from my practice of mindfulness and feel privileged to be able to share this skill with others. During my career I have worked as a General Physician,General Practitioner and GP trainer for 39 years until retiring end July 2024. I have seen the suffering that people go through and have had the experience of seeing how mindfulness practice can help them in health and illness. My husband, (who is also a mindfulness teacher) and I have set up a company called "Justobe Limited" to deliver mindfulness teaching and training. Please visit for further details.

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