Sandrine Blanc

This user account status is Approved

Sandrine Blanc


West Sussex

MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person

About Me

I've been teaching mindfulness since 2014, running Eight-week MBSR courses in person, three times a year, as well as drop in meditation, retreats and One to One courses. I mostly teach the general public but I also offer programmes in the workplace and in schools (MBSR and 'Finding Peace in a Frantic World' courses for teachers and Paws B for children). Since 2020, I also deliver group and One to One courses online. All my courses include post sessions handouts and recordings of mindfulness practices. Having trained in both mindfulness teaching and awareness coaching, I use intuition, active listening, and full presence in my style of teaching. To empower my participants, I invite the learning to come from them, rather than being too didactic during the sessions. After each session, participants receive some notes to explain further the topic covered, with some quotes, poems and recommended practices.

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