Sally Roberts

This user account status is Approved

Sally Roberts


East Riding of Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire

MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid

About Me

I'm an HR Professional (MCIPD) specialising in organisational mindfulness. I've been practicing mindfulness since 2008 and teaching mindfulness since 2012. I feel privileged to have shared many journeys into mindfulness and continue to be inspired by the transformational impact these can have at a personal, professional and organisational level. I have particular interests in - management development - the cultivation of more 'brain friendly' workplaces - how organisations equip individuals to manage change and - the conscious cultivation of insight in human resources. I teach the following courses... - Managers Mind Training Series - Cultivating Inner Resources - Managing Change Mindfully - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. Please see chapter 12 of Chapman-Clarke’s ‘Mindfulness in the Workplace: An Evidence-based Approach to Improving Wellbeing and Maximizing Performance’ for case studies of long standing workplace partners. More information about my personal journey is available on our website: We welcome contact from organisations looking to facilitate sustainable behaviour change at an individual level and better still, a better norm, at an organisational level.

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