Patrizia Collard

This user account status is Approved

Patrizia Collard


- England -, Greater London

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid

About Me

I started teaching MBCT in 2006. I train people in higher education, workplace settings and also offer courses (including 1to1) F2F and on line to the general public in my Training Centre in SE London. I commute between Vienna and London and also offer courses abroad (Languages: English and German). I have written 12 books covering Mindfulness, MBCT and Self-Compassion and my Bestseller 'The little book of Mindfulness' was translated into 16 languages and more than 2 million copies have been sold all over the globe (including Japan and Russia).

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