Nicola Mouat

This user account status is Approved

Nicola Mouat


East Sussex, Greater London

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), MBRP (Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention), MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person

About Me

I am a dual qualified Registered Nurse (RN), having trained in mental health and adult nursing. I trained as a mindfulness teacher in 2015 at the Sussex Mindfulness Centre, having come to to mindfulness in 2000, after personal experiences of anxiety and overwhelm. I was inspired to train to teach after finding it so transformative and helpful for my own wellbeing. I have 25 plus years of experience working in health services in the UK and Australia, mainly in mental health, substance misuse and end of life care (Hospice and HIV Nursing). I continue to work as a nurse, very part time with service users living with HIV in my home town of Brighton. My nursing experience informs my mindfulness teaching and I teach in many settings including clinical populations in the NHS and charity sectors, Substance Misuse Services, HIV services, workplace and general public. I teach a mixture of online and face to face courses and enjoy both for their different characteristics. I am also trained to teach Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention-MBRP (for participants with addiction issues) and Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living -MBCL. I am a trainer for MBRP. I have also been involved in helping to develop and teach an adapted MBCT for participants with Long Covid (MfLCR-Mindfulness For Long Covid Recovery) which is still in the development stage and has been received very well. I am a supervisor for the Mindfulness Network in MBCT, MBCL and MBRP as well as being an MBI-TAC assessor for mindfulness teachers in training for the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation. I feel very privileged to be able to do this work and I feel passionate about accessibility for everyone. I try to teach in organisations and places where people might otherwise not have access to mindfulness.

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