Marie Johansson

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Marie Johansson

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), MBCT-L (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Life, also known as Mindfulness for Life)
Teacher Status
Teacher, Supervisor, Trainer
Teaching Methods

About Me

After graduating from University in Sweden in 1979, I moved to the UK. In 2006, I met Professor Mark Williams and began my training as an MBCT Teacher. I subsequently joined Mark's team and became involved in developing the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC). In 2011 I initiated the delivery of the 8-week MBCT courses to the general population, having up until then delivered the courses only to clinical groups. I was also responsible for managing the training of clinicians, within the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and have continued to offer Supervision in the Health Service in both Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. My background is primarily in Adult Mental Health, within NHS, Health & Social Care and the Voluntary sectors. As an experienced Mental Health Practitioner, Therapeutic (CBT) Group worker and MBCT Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor, I have a particular interest in working with people experiencing a range of mental health issues and am a keen advocate for de-stigmatising mental ill health. In July 2020 I retired from my post as the ‘MBCT Course Lead’ at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, and now work as a Freelance Teacher, Trainer and Supervisor. I remain closely involved with the OMF team, training new MBCT teachers locally, nationally and internationally. I supervise Masters students, Trainee Teachers and experienced Teachers, both in the UK and internationally.

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