Laura Smith

This user account status is Approved

Laura Smith


- England -, West Yorkshire

Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
In Person, Hybrid

About Me

I have worked with Leeds Mindfulness Co-operative CIC since 2017, teaching mindfulness courses in community settings, particularly with people living in disadvantaged communities . I am trained with Breathworks and MISP and my passion is to make mindfulness accessible to all. I work in a trauma sensitive way and endeavour to make the work inclusive through a sensitivity and responsiveness to diverse lived experience. This includes but is not limited to people living with sensory impairment, LGBT+ people, people who are neurodiverse and people who have lived with marginalisation due to their ethnicity or economic status. In addition to the Breathworks mindfulness for Health course which I offer to people living with pain and chronic health conditions, I teach mindfulness to support mental health and emotional wellbeing. I have a background in botany and permaculture which supports me in bringing a nature-based approach to my work where appropriate this includes delivering outdoor courses throughout year.

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