Kate Ensor

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Kate Ensor

MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods

About Me

I am a mindfulness teacher, coach and Learning specialist with over 25 years of experience gained in a variety of sectors and cultural environments. A mindful and compassionate approach threads through all my work and I am currently completing a Masters degree in Mindfulness-Based Approaches at the world-renowned CMRP at Bangor University. I am certified to teach MBSR, qualified in June 2022, and I have been teaching mindfulness-based practices, as part of my coaching work, for a number of years. I also teach MCBT alongside a colleague who is a registered CBT Therapist. In May 2023 I attended training with Oxford Mindfulness Foundation to teach the short, 3-session, Introducing Mindfulness course. In October 2023 I will be training to teach the Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living curriculum. My personal journey to mindfulness practice began after a period of intense personal transition in 2013. My own lived experience of how mindfulness has transformed my relationship with my depression and supported me to ride the ups and downs of life with more equanimity motivated me to begin training to teach and share mindfulness with others. Introducing mindful self-compassion to my practice has been like finding the missing piece of a jigsaw and this kind and encouraging approach infuses my way of being and teaching style. In addition to being a qualified mindfulness teacher, I work as an Equine Facilitated Learning Practitioner and find working alongside the horses, in nature, enables us to experience the present moment and tap into our own body-based wisdom to access well-being in a fresh way. I am an NLP Practitioner and hold diplomas in Performance Coaching and Postnatal Group Facilitation. I offer a wealth of experience as a life coach as well as running Leadership Programmes, Action Learning group-based coaching and designing and facilitating Personal Development & Mindfulness-Based Wellbeing & Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) programmes. Particular areas of expertise include: • Well-being and a mindful approach to life • Building compassion to ourselves to enable strong interpersonal connections • Transitions and finding flow and ease in the midst of change • Mindful parenting I live in Luxembourg and offer 8-week group mindfulness-based courses, and short Introducing Mindfulness courses, live on Zoom as well as offering 1-2-1 mindfulness-based well-being coaching for individuals in person and on Zoom. I also offer Equine Facilitated Learning with my gentle and wise herd of equines in the midst of nature to support individuals realise mindful well-being.

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