Karen Atkinson

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Karen Atkinson

MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid

About Me

Karen has been teaching mindfulness and compassion for over 30-years and is the Co-founder and CEO of MindfulnessUK, an author of "Compassionate Mindful Inquiry in Therapeutic Practice", a previous Chair of BAMBA, an international trainer and supervisor. MindfulnessUK works within all sectors, researching all their teaching and training through a number of universities in the UK and abroad. Karen has developed a range of train-the-trainer courses including the Compassionate Mindful Resilience programme, The JOY Programme and the Integrating Mindfulness and Compassion qualification training, which are all accredited through the CPD Standards Office. The team trains others to deliver the MBSR course too. www.mindfulnessuk.com

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