Julia Wallond

This user account status is Approved

Julia Wallond



MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid


Phone number


About Me

I completed Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) teaching diploma at Exeter University in 2011. Since then, I have taught MBCT courses to medical professionals, patient groups and the public. I started supervising trainees in 2012, going on to complete supervisor training in 2016. Since then I have enjoyed supervising mindfulness teachers in a variety of settings including the NHS and community sector associated with the Mindfulness Network. In 2022 I completed dharma meditation teacher training with the Bodhi College, which strengthened by knowledge and teaching experience of underpinning Buddhist psychology, and the holding of residential retreats. I love integrating mindfulness with the everyday challenges of our times in healthcare and beyond, supporting teachers one to one in supervision, and teaching retreats, including multi-day silent retreats, for the Mindfulness Network and Gaia House in Devon. I also work as a medical doctor with a special interest in long term conditions, supporting a team in NHS Wales who work with people with persistent pain, fatigue and weight management.

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