John Newton

This user account status is Approved

John Newton


Greater Manchester

MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid

About Me

A qualified MBSR Mindfulness Teacher, Trainer and Group Facilitator. John specialises in mindfulness for stress reduction, mindfulness for health and wellbeing, both within the workplace and local communities. He has developed and delivered weekly, monthly self-care sessions within his local authority workplace for employees and young people who, John supports, in his role as a Leaving Care Advisor. John has delivered to 100’s of individuals and groups through partnerships local statutory, voluntary sector organization's, to deliver training, workshops and events. Since qualifying as a Mindfulness Teacher through the Mind in Salford Practitioner Training Programme, a 12-month training pathway, John has combined his personal journey of identity and a lived Black experience to offer and deliver creative safe spaces for healing individual trauma, collective trauma, specifically associated with people of color communities. As a Youth and Community Worker of over 28 years, it is my passion to work with individuals and communities to enable growth and learning, along with 10 years of meditation practice and accessing retreats each year, to ensure continued awareness of self-compassion common humanity as the bedrock of his practice.

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