Gemma Applegarth

This user account status is Approved

Gemma Applegarth


Berkshire, Buckinghamshire

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid

About Me

I am a Psychologist, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Mindfulness practitioner. I completed my training in mindfulness teaching with the Oxford Mindfulness centre. i have since been teaching the mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) programme within the NHS and privately. I teach mindfulness to people who have been through experiences of depression, anxiety, living with long term heath conditions, coping with stress or wishing to add presence and focus to their everyday lives. I am also qualified to teach mindfulness for sports performance and enhancement. I have passion for getting people moving and often work with people who want to mix mindfulness with sports or movement for greater wellbeing.

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