Dheeresh Turnbull

This user account status is Approved

Dheeresh Turnbull


East Sussex, West Sussex

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
In Person

About Me

A Cognitive Behavioural Therapist by training (qualified in Oxford 1998), I have been leading or co-leading mindfulness courses (mostly MBSR & more recently MBCT) since 1999. I include elements of chi gong, which I was authorised to teach in 1996. I have also completed Advanced Clinical Skills training in Compassion Focused Therapy (2016) and the MBCL training course (2018). I have been a student of Zen since the early 1980s, ordained as a Zen monk in 2010, and received transmission as a Zen teacher in the Wild Goose Zen Sangha in 2020. I lead a weekly Zen sitting group in Hove. When I lead mindfulness courses, it is in response to requests, and I prefer face to face.

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