Debbie Johnson

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Debbie Johnson


Greater London

MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid

About Me

I offer mindfulness in eight week course contexts and one to one settings in the NHS, public & private sector. I also offer workshops, shorter courses and keynote presentations for corporate organisations, workplace and educational settings. I have been teaching since 2007 and in 2009 I co-founded Being Mindful, one of the first companies in the UK to offer mindfulness trainings in London. I am currently an associate teacher with the Mindfulness Project and a trainee Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist based in London. I have an extensive knowledge of the psyche and how the unconscious can affect our lives, drawing from thirty years of study, training and personal experience. My training ranges from Mindfulness, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Karuna Contemplative Psychology, Neuroscience, Coaching, Philosophy, Buddhism and Acupuncture, I have an understanding of the psychosomatic interface. I have trained and healed thousands of clients with issues ranging from childhood trauma, existential crisis, overcoming anxiety, burn-out and break down, to managing success and developing authentic presence whether in the workplace or at home. I bring together the depth and breadth of understanding derived from my personal journey of growth drawing from Buddhist retreats and seminars over a thirty year span, which has enabled a comprehension of the human condition. This, alongside the study of Western Philosophy and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, neuroscience and proven scientific methods of working gives depth and breadth that goes way beyond the superficial and offers long term awareness which enhances self understanding and ultimately leads to an ease of being in whatever context, for all who work with me.

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