Clare McRobbie

This user account status is Approved

Clare McRobbie


- Scotland -, East Dunbartonshire

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid

About Me

I was a Secondary teacher and then Secondary Senior Leader in an inner city school in Cardiff in charge of WEllbeing. I trained at the University of Strathclyde to gain my PGCE in Secondary Teaching and taught in Scotland for 10 years before moving to Cardiff. I moved back to Scotland in 2021 during the pandemic to be closer to family and I live in Bearsden. I have always had an interest in meditation and trained in Transcendental Meditation in 1992 when I was pregnant with my son. I have had a meditation practice in my life since then. I initially trained with the Mindfulness in Schools Project (MISP) in 2012 to teach the young people ( .b and paws b) I taught in school to help reduce stress and anxiety levels that were on the increase. In 2014 I trained at Bangor University in North Wales in the 7-day-long Teacher Training Retreat Level 1 to teach the 8-week MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course)and then went on to train with (Misp) to be able to teach the .b Foundations Mindfulness course so that I could teach staff ways to reduce stress and anxiety using mindfulness and cognitive therapy approaches. I left my teaching role in 2015 to focus my career as a freelance Mindfulness Teacher to teach Mindfulness and courses in Education, workplace and community settings. I went on to study part-time at the University of Exeter and gained a Post Graduate Diploma in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in 2018 and gained my MSc in Psychological Research and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapies and Approaches in 2020. I am trained to teach the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy course and the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course. I completed the training to teach Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Life course at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre in 2019. Since 2015 I have taught over 40 8-week Mindfulness courses mainly to staff in schools. I have taught the 8-week MBCT, 8-week MBSR and 8-week MBCT for Life courses to adults in the community and workplace settings. I have also delivered Mindfulness retreats, workshops and presentations on Mindfulness to Headteachers, healthcare workers, lecturers, teachers, employees, community groups and union staff as well as delivering courses to children and young people and staff in schools and adults in workplace settings. I completed the Mindfulness Supervisor Level 1 course in April 2023 with the Mindfulness network and now can offer supervision sessions to Mindfulness teachers. I have attended several Mindfulness retreats both online and face-to-face at Gaia House in Devon, Samye Ling Centre in Scotland, Sharpham Trust in Devon, and Triganos Centre in North Wales. During the pandemic, I worked at a mental health charity in Wales as a Wellbeing Practitioner teaching CBT and Mindfulness courses and workshops online as well as my freelance work. Since moving back to Scotland in 2021 I have combined my freelance Mindfulness work with a part-time role as a peripatetic Mindfulness and Wellbeing teacher for a social enterprise, teaching children, young people and staff schools as well as adults in community settings. I create bespoke mindfulness courses and workshops with a focus on gratitude and self-compassion for educational, workplace and community groups as well as 1-2-1 sessions. There are more details on my website. I would love to work with you so please get in touch. I am registered with GTC (General Teaching Council) in Scotland and BAMBA (British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches) as a Mindfulness teacher I adhere to the good practice guidelines for UK Mindfulness teachers.

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