Catherine Fortin

This user account status is Approved

Catherine Fortin

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy)
Teacher Status
Teaching Methods
Online, In Person, Hybrid

About Me

I am an Oxford Mindfulness Foundation certified trained MBCT teacher. I started teaching MBCT programmes in 2018. I further trained to teach MBCT-L, Introducing Mindfulness and Deeper Mindfulness programmes. I trained in Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness with David Treleaven . I teach in person and on line, in English and in French . I trained in Mindfulness both in the U.K. and in France. I have experience of teaching MBCT in clinical setting and to the general public in person in London and in Paris and on line . I am part of the teaching team of the " Ecole de Psycho sexologie de Paris" . I teach Mindfulness to trainee sex therapists. I am a member of the Mindfulness Network Community Friends Committee . I host drop in sessions on a regular basis .Details are to be found on the Mindfulness Network website. I am on the international ACCESS MBCT register > I am a board member of the French "Association pour le Développement de la Mindfulness " My background is in General Practice and mental health. I was a General Practitioner both in the NHS and in the Independent sector until August 2022. I have a deep interest on the impact of migration , expatriation on well being. I enjoy outdoors activities, especially mountaineering and hiking.

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